The Bhagavata Purana, like other puranas, discusses a wide range of topics including cosmology, genealogy, geography, mythology, legend, music, dance, yoga and culture. As it begins, the forces of evil have won a war between the benevolent devas (deities) and evil asuras (demons) and now rule the universe. The Bhāgavata Purā ṇ a (Devanagari: भागवतपुराण also Śrīmad Bhāgavata Mahā Purā ṇ a, Śrīmad Bhāgavatam or Bhāgavata) is one of eighteen great Puranas ( Mahapuranas, great histories). Composed in Sanskrit and available in almost all Indian languages, it promotes bhakti (devotion) to Krishna as the incarnation of Vishnu.
Bhagavata Saptaha in Kannada by Sri Sri Vidyadheeshateertha Sripadaru, Shri Palimaru Matha, Udupi:. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, in 30 Volumes. English translation of the 10 Cantos (Skandhas) of Shrimad Bhagavata by A.C. Bhagavata Purana in English - Motilal Banarsidass - part 5. Bhagavata Purana in English - Motilal Banarsidass - part 4. Bhagavata Purana in English - Motilal Banarsidass - part 3. Bhagavata Purana in English - Motilal Banarsidass - part 2. Bhagavata Purana in English - Motilal Banarsidass - part 1. English Translations of Bhagavata Mahapurana published by the Motilal Banarsidas in 1950, in 5 parts:. Shrimadbhagavatavu, Vol 8 (Skandas 11-12). Shrimadbhagavatavu, Vol 7 (Skanda 10, Second half). Shrimadbhagavatavu, Vol 6 (Skanda 10, First half). Shrimadbhagavatavu, Vol 5 (Skandas 7-8-9).
Shrimadbhagavatavu, Vol 4 (Skandas 5-6). Shrimadbhagavatavu, Vol 1 (Skandas 1-2). Sridhar Satyanarayan, Certified Expert IT Consultant to IBM Systems and Technology Group.
The electronic copy of these volumes were made available to me by Mr. Bhagavata Mahapurana in Kannada prose, by Pandit Alasingacharya, first published in 1915, in 8 volumes.
Shrimadbhagavata Mahapuranam, Kannada translation along with Sanskrit Shlokas, published by Gita Press, Gorakhpur in 2007 in two volumesĢ.